Physical Therapy Services
Gross Motor Skills • Developmental Delay • Strength, Balance, & Coordination
Gross Motor Skills
Gross motor skills are the fundamental skills needed for everyday movement including walking, running, and stair climbing. If your child is having difficulty keeping up with peers, having difficulty walking or running, having challenges navigating stairs or is having a hard time with ball skills (throwing, catching, kicking,etc), we will support you and your child. Physical Therapy will help your child:
Gain independence and feel confident navigating their environment
Build relationships with peers and connect to other children in an active environment
Improve strength and endurance for everyday activities
Increase safety in the community including at the park, on play grounds and in team/group activities
Developmental Delay
Developmental milestones including rolling, sitting, crawling, standing and walking are important components in ensuring your child’s success in everyday activities. If you have concerns that your child is behind, we will meet your child’s needs through a play-based approach focusing on skills appropriate to their age. By ensuring your child is meeting their milestones, your child will:
Gain confidence in their mobility and exploration of their environment
Promote increased strength and independence
Discover additional skills and assets needed for growth
Toe walking & W sitting
If your child is walking on their tip toes or sitting with their legs in a “W” shape, we will address the underlying cause and support your child to improve their walking and mobility. We will tailor our services to engage your child and meet your family’s needs. Our services can help your child:
Navigate their environment with increased stability and confidence
Develop appropriate posture and alignment of their hips, knees, ankles and feet
Increase their mobility to keep up with their peers
Balance & Coordination
If your child frequently falls or trips, bumps into people or objects or has difficulty with synchronized movement, they may need additional support through physical therapy. Our play-based approach will support your child’s needs through functional activities while addressing the underlying cause. Our physical therapist can help your child:
Demonstrate improved awareness of their body in space
Increase safety and stability in the home, school and community
Build skills to develop smooth, fluid movements to keep up with peers and perform sport activities